Why we choose sustainably-sourced plants for you

Why we choose sustainably-sourced plants for you

Have you ever brought a plant home from a big retailer only to find that it quickly dies or fails to thrive? It might not be something you did wrong – a happy, healthy life for your plant starts with the grower – and not all plants have been set up for success.

What is sustainable growing?

When we talk about sustainable growing, we mean raising plants in similar conditions to those they’ll grow in. That means they are raised outside in the elements (instead of in climate-controlled greenhouses) and are exposed to different temperatures, weather conditions and pests. 

Why is sustainable growing good for plants?

When plants are mass-produced in greenhouses, they can get a big shock when they are taken home into the ‘real world’. For gardeners this can mean plants might die-off quickly or become sickly and fail to thrive.

In comparison, sustainably-grown plants are raised in the climates they will later grow in, so they won’t get such a shock when you take them home and pop them in your garden. 

This means they can be:

  • More hardy and seedlings don’t need to be ‘hardened off’ before you plant them outside (that’s the process of preparing indoor-raised plants to be planted outside).

  • Better suited to conditions in your local area.

  • Less needy than exotic plants raised in a greenhouse as they are meant to grow in this climate

Where do we source our plants from at Pelicans Landing?

We work with like-minded growers on the Mid-North Coast of NSW, Northern NSW and Southern Qld to source plants compatible with our subtropical climate.

What else makes our plants happier and healthier? 

We’re passionate about helping you create stunning, sustainable, low-maintenance gardens that flourish in the local environment which is why, as well as being sustainably-sourced, ours are:

  • Grown with integrity by local plant wholesalers  (where possible).

  • Non-invasive species that won’t take over.

  • Predominantly native (though we have plenty of gorgeous exotics too).

  • Nurtured with love to  maintain their quality and ensure continued growth. .

  • Maintained with environmentally-friendly and safe products (link to product gallery) and locally-sourced predatory mites (link to blog) instead of chemical sprays.

  • Cared for by experienced staff with intimate knowledge of the local area.