Exotics / Non Native Plants

Exotic plants are plants that have been introduced to the continent and thus are non-native. With the resurgence of popularity in Australian Native plants the use of exotics has become contentious, due to the potential threat of exotics species becoming invasive. Historically this threat has proven all to real with some exotic species, though today is somewhat obsolete, as many exotic plant cultivars are developed to be non-invasive.

There are innumerable naturalised, proven, non-invasive exotics which coexist harmoniously within Australian landscapes and provide various benefits to the ecosystem and they have been integral to our gardens & landscapes for centuries.

You’d be amazed at just how many of the plants that are a familiar and endearing part of our Australian gardens that are infact exotic - for example : Citrus, Lavender, Rosemary, many Herbs, Gardenias, Magnolias, Azalea, Crepe Myrtle, Acers / Maples, Murraya, and even Bougainvillea, Hibiscus, Frangipanis, Jacarandas & Poinsianas to name a but few!

Clearly, non-invasive exotic ornamental & edible plants can add aesthetic appeal & environmental benefits that support biodiversity and sustainability within gardens and urban landscapes without outcompeting native species.

Integrating non-invasive exotics with natives can also create a harmonious and captivating garden that celebrates the beauty and benefits of their co-existence, thus creating a unique and varied landscape.

At Pelicans Landing G C we stock a large variety of non-invasive Exotic plants that will compliment the garden style of your choice by adding a diversity of plant forms, growth habits, flower styles, colour & scent adding texture, beauty and striking contrasts and focal points.

Be assured, we are passionate about Not stocking plants that have proven invasive!

However, remarkably, there are still exotic species sold that are invasive, so be thoughtful in your choices if purchasing exotic species, especially online.

The images below show the types of plants and products we often have in stock, but that’s not all we have! Our stock changes weekly and what you see here won’t always reflect exactly what we have in stock right now. If you’re looking for something specific, give us a ring on (02) 6569 4159 and we’ll be happy to let you know if we have it in store.

We’ll try to sustainably source it for you!

Can’t find the plant you’re after?


Native plants


Architectural plants, palms and grasses